IRC Quest

The Swashbuckling Misfits Details

Value Edit
name The Swashbuckling Misfits
description A crew of misfits explores the depths of IRC and causes mayhem in chat channels throughout the Undernet IRC network.
start_room pirate_ship
[5, 10]
player_hit_chance 0.65
enemy_hit_chance 0.55
enemy_special_chance 0.2
player_special_chance 0.5
player_hit_chance_level_modifier 0.1
enemy_hit_chance_level_modifier 0.1
player_health_level_modifier 0.4
player_max_health_level_modifier 0.08
enemy_respawn False
flee_block_chance 0.3
player_damage_variance 0.2
enemy_damage_variance 0.2
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